Saturday, March 23, 2013

Three wicks...

Tonight Jon and I were enjoying a nice evening by the fire,coffees in hand, gluten free cookies baking in the oven, and conversing… We love these quiet moments in the house when we can sit and chat and reminisce.  I was lighting a candle that is in a jar and has three wicks.  I was using another,smaller, single candle to light it.  (We were out of all other typical “lighting utensil.”) I had lit the single candle with the flame from our gas stove, took the single candle to the bigger candle with the three wicks to light it.  It is pretty tricky because the candle with three wicks is in a glass jar that has melted almost down to the bottom.  Turning the jar upside down I can light the wicks with the single candle…. Is this making any sense??  Anyway… it works but you have to do it fast or else all the hot wax starts to drip down your hand… and the flames get too big, and well, starts to hurt…

I did this sweet trick of lighting the candle while Gary was here. I was struggling to light the last wick and my hand was getting quite hot and the little hairs on my hand were starting to singe. (I am too suborned to give up on the last wick!)  Gary watching this entire time... Watching my whole system of lighting this candle…  Stove on, single candle lit, stove off, turn “jar candle” that is melted down to the bottom of the jar upside down, reach my hand in the with single candle, and light each wick…1…2…3, except I could not get that stupid last one lit and I was burning my hand, ugh.  Without a single word our sweet boy reached his precious, fragile, skinny, but brave hand between mine and the flames so I could light the candle. Did you read that?? He put his hand between the flames and my hand!! Our son cared more about keeping my hand safe than his own.

What a picture of what Christ did for us!  The act of Christ said, “If you do this, you will get hurt, actually, you will die. So, I will take the pain, the hurt, the suffering, and I will die, so that you will be safe and serve the purpose the Father has for your life.  My death, will shield you, so that you may live.”

“If when I am able to discover something which has baffled other, I forget Him who revealeth the deep and secret things, and knoweth what is in the darkness and showeth it to us; if I forget that it was He who granted that ray of light to His most unworthy servant, then I know nothing of Calvary love.”  -Amy Carmichael

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