Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 8... ASLAN

Day 8

With the weather being so poor, we ate breakfast this morning and then the boys decided they wanted to watch a movie back in the room. Willy chose The Chronicles of Narnia.

They have seen the movie before at the institute, but Willy and Gary didn't seem to realize the parallel between Narnia and Jesus. 

I paused the movie just as Aslan was walking at night to the stone table after trading his life for Edmunds life.  I told both Gary and Willy that this is what Jesus did for us, and then showed them Galatians 3:26,27 and John 3:16. Gary said, "OHHH!!!!!" In a "light bulb moment" sort of way. 
Willy said, "ok".

As we went through the movie, and Aslan is killed, the camera pans out and up above the stone table, showing Aslan's dead body on the table.

All of the sudden...Willy says, "STOP STOP STOP!!!!"

I pause the movie and Willy traces back to the scene of Aslan on the stone table.  He then points at the screen, but can't get out what he is wanting to say.  He takes his hand and literally points out the 4 sets of stairs that lead to the stone table and shows how they make a cross!  He was proud of himself!  I was more proud of him, as I had never even noticed that before.  I am not certain it was ever meant to be noticed until now.  As simple as that seems, I pray that the Holy Spirit will work in Willy's life and reveal Jesus even through a movie.  Remember, Isaiah found that God does not always reveal himself in the big, loud, boisterous ways, but sometimes in the soft, still wind...or even in a movie.  Yep, He's that good.

Today is free day, so we went for a walk.  We had to go to the grocery store to get some water.  It is not wise to drink the tap water here, so bottled water it is.  We purchased a couple of waters and headed back to the room. 
As we were walking back, we passed a homeless man who was digging through the trash.  We stopped, turned around, and gave him one of the two waters we had. The boys said, "That was very good.  He is very poor.  He needed water."  Then Gary pointed up to the sky and said, "Yesu saw us do that."  I said "yes", but then I stopped walking and made the boys stop walking.  In a very animated way, I said, "Yesu does this......."
I pointed to the sky.  I then made a huge swooping sound and gesture down to my heart.  Then, as a Mortal Kombat character would do, I made a huge sweeping motion from my heart to that man we gave the water to.  I told the boys, "Yesu comes down to my heart.  Yesu then goes to others and helps others through us."
You see, it's not about attainment.  It is about conduit.  Become useful by being useful.  Be useful by surrendering to God every part of your life, so that you will be used as HE sees fit.

They said they understood my little charades, hopefully again a light bulb moment.

We are learning so much while here in Guangzhou. 

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